Sand Slinger
Shooter Capacity

10 Cubic Yards

Shooter Range

80 - 100 ft

*Depending on the material

Machine Width

Placer Conveyor Stowed

Height: 12.10 ft
Width: 10.06 ft

Placer Conveyor Forward/Down Position

Height: 10.08 ft
Width: 9.09 ft


Weight (tons)


Engine Power (HP)


A red sign with a person digging in the ground

Backfill with ease, reduce cleanup and avoid tearing up the grass. Ozzie's slinger can backfill from a distance.

A red circle with two tools in it

Mulch, compost, rock, gravel, soil, sand, wood chips, etc. The Slinger is the perfect machine for landscapers looking to save time and labor. 

A red circle with a picture of a boat in the water.
Flood Control

Use the continuous sock to help control flooding. It's the equivalent of filling and installing nearly 200 sandbags per minute. 

A red construction site in the shape of a circle.
Construction Site

Are you trying to keep a project on time and within budget? The Slinger can help decrease construction costs while increasing production.

Slinger In Action

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